This Raksha Bandhan was an auspicious day for 103 years old Sharbati Devi as she was invited by PM himself. This old lady was extremely blissful because she got the chance to tie the holy thread on the wrist of Shri Narendra Modi.
To fulfill Sharbati Devi wish, her son wrote a letter to PM and express his mother desire. Subsequently, Prime Minister invite Smt. Sharbarti Devi and her family to his official residence at Delhi's Lok Kalyan Marg. PMO said that Sharbati Devi lost her brother about 50 years ago and she would always miss him on the occasion of this festival. “The whole interaction was wonderful”, the PMO added. Also, widows from Vrindavan and some young girls tied home-made rakhi on PM 's wrist.
Women from Pakistan, Qamar Mohsin Shaikh also tied rakhi to PM. She moved to India after her marriage. Speaking to ANI she said “ I have been tying Rakhi to Narendra Bhai for the last 23 years. Recollecting her memories, Shaikh added that she tied the first rakhi to PM when he was an RSS worker.
PM wished Raksha Bandhan to whole nation with his greeting on social media and twitter. President Ram Nath Kovind, BJP National President Amit Shah also greet the whole country through social media platform.
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