Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor-starrer Chhichhore, which was released on Friday, has got a decent start at the box office and has collected Rs 7 crore on its opening day. The movie was released in 1200-1300 screens across the country.
Chhichhore is expected to pick up steam over Saturday and Sunday and close at an Rs 25-crore weekend. Chhichhore’s business was also affected by Prabhas' big-budget film Saaho which is still dominating the Indian market.
The movie is directed by Nitesh Tiwari who had also directed Dangal which had registered big-budget about Rs 29.78 crore on day one itself. Dangal was released in over 4,000 screens across the country.
“I am not taking any pressure as far as box office is concerned. Only pressure which weighs on my mind is the expectations that people may have from me post-Dangal and I hope I will be able to live up to their expectations. As far as box office is concerned, that's pure destiny,” said Nitesh in an interview with India Today.
So far Chichhore has got a positive response from the audience. After the film critics, now the audience who went to see the film on the first day are also appreciating it.
The audience says that the film is a must-watch and the story of the film is very well appreciated. The film may have lagged behind in the promotions but is well ahead in the positive reviews of the audience.
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