Each and every actor is showering love and giving shout-outs to Boney Kapoor's and Lt. Sridevi’s elder daughter on the release of the trailer of her debut film, Dhadak. The Kapoor family made the appearance. On the launch, from Anil Kapoor to daddy Boney Kapoor to sister Khushi Kapoor and her cousins all of them were present. It was also a big moment for the lead actor, Ishaan Khatter younger brother of Shahid Kapoor as it's his first appearance on the big screen. While the even Khushi Kapoor couldn’t hold back her tears and hugged Jhanvi on the stage.
Actors like Alia Bhatt, Bhumi Pednekar, Arjun Kapoor and many other posted and gave shout outs of the trailer and showed a sense of love to Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter for their upcoming movie. Arjun Kapoor gave special shouts and apologized for not making it to the launch due to his shooting in London. He got emotional on the tweets.
He tweeted in a queue, “Tomorrow you will be part of the audience forever #JanhviKapoor cause your trailer comes out... Firstly, sorry I’m not there in Mumbai but I’m by your side, don’t worry. (1/3)”
Further, he added, “I just wanted you to know this profession is amazing if you work hard, be honest, learn to take the accolades with the brickbats, respect opinions, yet follow your own path & instinct. It’s not gonna be easy but I know you are ready for all the madness that will ensue. (2/3)”
“All the best for #Dhadak! I’m certain that my friends @ShashankKhaitan & @karanjohar have presented you & #IshaanKhatter as the modern Romeo & Juliet with elan !!! 3/3”
The trailer has already reached 20 million views within 24 hours. Karan Johar also shared a video showing the reaction of Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor on 20 million views and fans comments on the video which overwhelmed both of them.
We wish them luck for the release of their movie on 20 July 2018.
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