Imran Khan’s personal assistant Dr Firdous ashiq Awan tweet confirming that a Prime Minister will speak on Kashmir Issue on Monday around 5:30 PM.
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has scheduled a time to address his nation on the "issue of Kashmir" at around 5:30 PM IST on Monday. This was tweeted by his special assistant, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan, posted a tweet confirming that the Pakistani prime minister will speak at around 5:30 PM IST on Monday.
Khan's address to his country comes at a time when his government has been crying filthy over the Indian government's decision to abolish Article 370 which granted special status to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir.
It may be remembered that Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre lately abolished Article 370 and also bifurcated the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories - Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. This decision which was taken by Modi Government meant that the region will now remain under the Centre's rule.
Pakistan has vehemently opposed the Modi government's decision and has been trying its best to expand the issue but Islamabad has so far failed to accumulate any substantial support from the international community on this issue.
In a major diplomatic victory for India, majority of the countries across the world have supported Modi government's decision relating to Jammu and Kashmir and have refused to interfere in the matter stressing that it is a bilateral issue.
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