Kareena Kapoor is on top of her game as an actor. Coming back after the birth of son Taimur, Kareena has only grown from strength to strength. She delivered a hit with Veere Di Wedding and has as many as three films in various stages of production. In the meanwhile she also made her TV debut with Dance India Dance and on a recent episode, she revealed that as a youngster she had a crush on an actor from the 90s.
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, the show’s host Karan Wahi kept asking her to reveal the name of her first crush. After much prodding, Kareena sheepishly revealed that she has a crush of actor Rahul Roy and watched his film, Aashiqui, eight times. Directed by Mahesh Bhatt, the 1990 film starred Rahul and Anu Aggarwal and was a runaway hit.
Kareena, along with her husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur, was based in London for the last two months. It was a vacation cum work schedule with Kareena shooting for her upcoming film, Angrezi Medium while Saif shot for his home production, Jawaani Jaaneman.
The actor recently walked the ramp as part of the Lakme Fashion Week, which was themed around #FreeYourLips, a hashtag dealing with freedom of expression. Talking about it, she had said, “The theme, for me, is about freedom for women to make the choice of what they want to do, what they want to wear or how they want to live their life. I think the first thing that comes to my mind is freedom”.
The actor had continued, “My strongest personal quality is that I believe in myself and my confidence. The fact that I live my life the way I want to, and on my own terms is what I think is the best quality I have.”
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