Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Man Vs Wild spotting “subjects associated with environmental change.”As per the report from the channel, this special episode, emphasizing adventurer Bear Grylls and shot in India’s Jim Corbett National Park, will be an “open and freewheeling journey” which will drive light on wildlife preservation. The episode will be aired on August 12 and will be showcased in more than 180 countries across the world on Discovery network of channels.

“For ages, I have been among nature, in the mountains and the forests. These years have an enduring impression on my life. So when I was asked about a special program focussing on life beyond politics and that too in the midst of nature I was both fascinated and twisted to get a role in it,” said PM in a statement.

“For me, this show presents a high possibility to grant to the world India’s rich environmental heritage and draw on the importance of environment conservation and living in harmony with nature. It was a fabulous experience consuming time in the wood once again, this time with Bear, who is blessed with inexhaustible energy and quest to experience nature at its purest,” he added. Adventurer and survival instructor Bear Grylls rocked the Indian internet on Monday morning when he said that he will be sharing space with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his popular show Man vs Wild.

Bear Grylls Tweet

The tweet that started the episode to be aired on August 12 is the most retweeted post of the 45-year-old adventurer. In the video shared by Grylls, one can see the survival instructor and the Prime Minister venturing into the Indian wilderness. However, the location of the same remains unclear in the video. PM Modi in Man Vs Wild arrives to greet Grylls in the wild and can be heard saying, "Welcome to India".

They can be seen walking in the jungles as well as in vast swathes of land. At one point the leader and the adventurer can be seen in an inflatable raft, gradually sailing on a water body. Grylls can also be seen giving PM Modi, what looks like a quickly-put-together spear.

"You are the most important man in India and my job is to keep you alive," says Grylls to PM Modi.