Priya Prakash Varrier has become an overnight celebrity. The 18-year-old, a first-year B.Com student at Vimala college in Thrissur, featured in a Malayalam song Manikya Malaraya Poovi from the film Oru Adaar Love.
A clip from the song has since gone viral online and has made her an Internet sensation not just in India but in countries as far as Egypt and neighboring Pakistan, where fans have been posting comments about her expressive face.
Priya Prakash a fortnight's worth of glamour comes to an end, living a common life.
The craze of 18 years old girl who made the country go bananas by her wink seems to fade away. Priya Prakash Varrier who made her debutante from the film Oru Adaar Love, directed by Omar Lulu. Her flirtatious wink in the teaser of her film made her get a huge fan following but now everything seems to diminish away.
The teens who labeled her as “National Crush” can’t be spotted now. Everyone was comparing her to famous celebrities. Million praised her and zillion trolled. Just like the clip ended in few seconds similarly her glamour came to an end in few weeks and she’s back to her normal life. This shows the power of netizens in upgrading to degrading a personality. In order to remain in the limelight, one needs to put constant efforts a wink isn’t enough.
While the young team is still grappling with the sudden fame, they are hopeful that Oru Adaar Love will open new doors for them in future.
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