Salman Khan is a busy guy these days with his Tiger Zinda Hai movie due for release in December. The last leg of shooting for Salman Khan’s Tiger Zinda hai shoot was in UAE, a country of riches. During the Tiger Zinda Hai UAE shooting, Salman Khan met Rashed Belhasa, a 15-year-old social media personality and owner of a fleet of exclusive cars. In a video shared on his Instagram post, Salman Khan is seen admiring and checking out Rashed Belhasa customized Ferrari wrapped in Supreme X Louis Vuitton he was invited to inaugurate a driving school by Rashed Belhasa father a business tycoon and Salman Khan obliged to the request taking some time off from his busy schedule of Tiger Zinda Hai shoot. The driving school is not a usual one either as it comprises of some of the most exclusive cars like Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes etc.
Who is Rashid Belhasa?
Rashid Belhasa is a 15-year old rich Saudi kid born with a platinum spoon. He is quite famous for his social media presence and lavish lifestyle. Although the legal age for driving in UAE is 18 years and of course he cannot drive but he owns a fleet of cars. Rashid Belhasa Ferrari or we would rather say Rashid Belhasa customized Ferrari got into news because of its exclusive Supreme X Louis Vuitton wrapping and boasts of a guest list including the names of Ronaldo, Shahrukh Khan, DJ Khaled to just give you an idea how famous he is.
'Tiger Zinda Hai' Salman Katrina starrer action-packed movie:
Tiger Zinda Hai is a sequel to 2013 blockbuster Ek Tha Tiger and going by its trailer the movie looks action packed. Tiger Zinda hai has been trending in all entertainment news since its trailer has been released. It also stars the female lead Katrina Kaif in an action avatar. The latest news and entertainment news forums have been positive about the Salman & Katrina starrer. The twitter was abuzz with #Tiger Zinda hai Katrine and #Tiger Zinda Hai Salman for quite some time. The movie is all set to release on December 22 during the Christmas time.
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