Television Actress Shweta Tiwari’s husband Abhinav Kohli has reportedly been arrested after being indicted in domestic violence. Shweta reached police station to file a complaint against him as he hit her daughter, Palak. Shweta tied the knot with Abhinav in July 2013 and have a two-year-old son together, named Reyansh Kohli. Palak is Shweta’s daughter from her first husband Raja Chaudhary, a small-time actor, whom she divorced in 2007 after nine years of marriage.
According to a report, Shweta Tiwari’s filed a case against her husband Abhinav Kohli for slapping her daughter Palak in Samta Nagar Police Station, Kandivali (E). She also added that he is usually under the influence of alcohol. Shweta was accompanied by her mother and daughter Palak and alleged that Abhinav had hit Palak in a fit of rage. The report also states that Abhinav was later called to the police station where the family spoke to the police for around four hours.
Shweta is known for her work in Star Plus hit show, Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Palak was recently rumoured to be gearing for her Bollywood debut with opposite Taare Zameen Par’s Darsheel Safary in his first film as an adult, called ‘Quickie’.
However, Shweta had denied the news with a note on Instagram. She wrote, “For the past few months I was constantly bombarded with questions regarding Quickie, and Palak’s debut. We really wanted quickie to be the way to go but the process was too protracted and Palak’s 12th grade has now begun. Therefore we decided it would be best if we retracted ourselves from the project since Palak’s education is of paramount importance at this point in time.”
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