‘Stop depending on someone for mental support and still, you’re doing this trust me you’re slowly killing yourself.’ Teen love converts into pigeon love when we step out of it. Until we’re in the same love its world to us. I used to see hundreds of couples around me crying and cutting their arms for each other. I’ve always been the one who realizes the beauty of love but not by giving control of my emotions, I could give someone my key to smile but only platinum people have the key to tears. I believed this ‘Pigeon Love’ wasn’t my cup of tea. But soon I met a guy who showed as if he loves me like no one ever could. I misunderstood his long calls, his efforts to meet me.
Being a transparent person I never expected someone could be so dark inside. He made efforts like someone truly in love. After delaying his proposal for almost 1 year, I said, ‘yes’ but I didn’t know my eyes will make him lose interest in me.
We used to share each and every detail. I never thought about what if we departed. After faking himself for 2 years he cheated on me. He was dating so many girls like me and each one of them was in love with him same as me.
Even after so much, I decided to give him a chance and he decided to take it for granted. Once more I landed in the same situation and this time I decided to walk away. But each night I ended up dropping him a text or leaving a miscall. He begged and I wept. I blocked, unblocked again blocked him. That rebound relationship worked for almost 3 months but I couldn't trust him anymore. There was no use of being in a relationship when you feel lonely even after they’re with you. For my mental stability, somehow I managed to move on from the thought, 'I can’t live without him' soon changed into, ‘I live for myself.’
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