While people are applauding Sanjay Dutt for talk about his controversial life and coming up with his own Biopic with Rajkumar Hirani and Ranbir Kapoor film 'Sanju', Sunny Leone has gone a few steps ahead. The trailer of web series “Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone - ZEE5 original presents the boldest biopic ever” is out which is the Biopic of Sunny Leone. Sunny Leone herself is featured in her Biopic. The web series talks about the unconventional decisions taken by her.
The trailer begins with Sunny Leone getting ready for an interview while the anchor introduces her as the actress loved as well as hated in India equally. Soon the scene lands in her childhood.
She was Born as a child of an immigrant in Canada. The trailer shows her struggle as a teenager and the financial crisis of her family that leads her to be an adult star.
The trailer how Sundeep, her brother was the first one who knew that Sunny has posed for Penthouse magazine. He stands by her side during her ups and downs. Sunny starts earning money and the family gets curious about the source.
The two and half minute trailer talks about her journey from Karenjit to Sunny. Finally, she decides to confront her parents and tell them about her choice of carrier and the trailer is left with a question mark what happened then?
The biopic has reference to the 2016 TV interview in which she faced sexist question with confidence. The trailer ends with a hard-hitting dialogue. The one who is interviewing asks that In India people consider the sex worker and an adult star equal. Sunny Leone replies that there’s one similarity and that’s “GUTS”
The Biopic will convey the story of Sunny Leone and her evolution from an adult star to Bollywood star. Rysa Saujani, 14, plays the younger version of Sunny Leone in the web-series, which will premiere on July 16.
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