Donald Trump administration has decided to tweak the laws of US H-1B visa which allows the foreigners to gain permanent citizenship (Green Card) of the United States. The change in US H-1B visa laws would affect mostly the Indians who are working in the United States mainly in IT sectors. The main aim of the Donald Trump administration is to create more jobs for the United States native citizen. The proposed tweaks if confirmed will leave at least 5,00,000 to 75,00,000 Indians lose their job and their hopes of achieving the Green Card. The United States president Donald Trump has said it in the past that they want to create jobs and hire people from the United States only to curb the unemployment rate.
Tweaks in US H-1B visa to affect 5 lakh Indians in the United States
It is no secret that the IT sector in the United States has tons of Indians are working there and most of them plan to bring in there family's and apply for Green card. The new proposed changes in the US H-1B visa laws though will lay off at least 5-7.5 lakhs Indians jobs working mostly on the post of IT engineers and Managers. Going by the laws and ways the United States IT sector work, chances are pretty high that if the proposed laws in the US H-1B visa comes into consideration, it will shatter the dreams of Indians in the United States of getting a Green Card.
How will US H-1B Visa rule affect Indians and IT Sector?
United States has a 150 billion dollar Indian IT sector which has been drastically affected by the tightening of US H-1B visa laws after Donald Trump administration came into power. Most of the IT sector in the United States is filled with Indian employees. The Indian IT sector is very vast and has strong roots in leading IT sector firms like IBM, Google, Dell, etc. The IT sector MNC has projected a figure somewhere around 5-7.5 lakhs Indian jobs will be affected and their quest for Green Card seems far-fetched until Trump administration decides to ease the laws.
Major IT sector giants like Google and IBM concerned on the proposed tweaks
The proposed tweaks in US H-1B visa laws will obviously lay off thousands of Indians and their jobs. The most affected by the Donald Trump administration is United States IT sector and major tech giants like IBM and Google who hires Indians with US H-1B visa. These IT sector giants are heavily dependent on the workforce provided by the Indian community.
When contacted with one of the concerned, he said that Indians work on US H-1B visa in the United States and the validity for the H-1B visa lasts for 6 years, after which the Indians apply for the Green Card which takes another 2 years. Donald Trump administration has been vocal about the changes in norms for quite some time now. It is to be seen now how the tweaks are implemented and the law is finalized until then Indians working in IT sector should not hope for any Green Card.
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