Uttar Pradesh: A 22-year-old wife and mother were burnt alive by her husband and in-laws, including three other women, in an Uttar Pradesh village after she went to the police complaints against her husband for giving her triple talaq. The police had sent her back without registering a complaint and asked her to stay with her husband.
Her husband held her by her hair while the others poured kerosene and lit a match to burn her alive even as her 5-year-old daughter watched in horror.
The incident took place on Friday in Shravasti district of UP, said the report.
According to the victim's family, Sayeeda's husband pronounced triple talaq on the phone as he lives in Mumbai. Sayeeda went to the police only to be sent back. Police asked her to stay with her husband and called the couple over after he reached the village on August 15.
However, instead of listening to the police's advice, Nafees again asked his wife to go away. This led to yet another argument when the family decided to kill her.
According to the 5-year-old girl's statement, her father held her mother by the hair while her two aunts poured kerosene on her and her grandparents lit the matchstick to burn her alive.
Sayeeda's body has been sent for post-mortem while police have lodged a case of dowry harassment and murder against the husband and his family. No arrests have been made yet.
Police have also said that they will look into the fact why cops did not register the case when the victim approached them on 6th of August.
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